Being an Empath and How to Cope [Empower Yourself]

Being an empath can be a blessing and a curse, so if you are looking for help on how to cope when you feel too much, then you’ve got to watch this video.

Do you feel like you’re living in a world that’s turned up the volume on everything? Emotions, sensations, the energy of the people and places around you… It’s all so intense. But what does that really mean for us? Let’s explore the beauty and the challenges of this gift together.”

In this video, I discuss the pros and cons and share the tips and tricks I’ve picked up as a Hypnotherapist that have been a game changer for me and my clients, so I’m sure they will work for you too.

#empath #empathy #hsp #highlysensitivepeople #emotionalintelligence #boundaries

Join my private Facebook Group Sensitive Soul Circle: A community for Empaths, HSP’s and Introverts | Facebook.  Connect with like-minded people where I share resources and tips to help you understand your gifts.

Disclaimer: The content shared on this channel is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.