Feeling normal again

Feeling normal again

Prior to seeking help with hypnotherapy, I was a self-confessed hypochondriac. I was a little sceptical about how hypnosis could help with my constant worries about my health and what the future could hold. I was extremely surprised at how well I was coping after only one session. I also noticed that my health anxiety wasn’t affecting me as it had prior to hypnosis. The more sessions I did the better I felt and was gradually getting back to feeling normal again, and no longer obsessing about my health. It is such a relief to feel at free from the tightness and tension which I felt in my upper back. All those symptoms which I was worrying about have disappeared. I now realise that I was creating those symptoms, it was all in my head. My family also noticed changes, I don’t have the mood swings that I previously had.


Update 1 month later:

Things have been going really well. The issue with my obsessive thoughts about my health has been resolved.

Thank you

* name withheld Stress Relief Program April 19, 2017