I am over a year off the cigarettes

I am over a year off the cigarettes

I was a long time smoker, somewhat doubtful, but desperate to give up. I just couldn’t do it on my own after many attempts. I am now 30 days clear, and haven’t wanted one. An ex-smoker always wants a smoke. A non-smoker asks why would anyone want to?

Anna turned me back into a non-smoker rather than making me an ex-smoker. I honestly haven’t considered having one in 30 days, and would have considered that impossible. I’m somewhat surprised at how effective it has been, but am also very grateful.



Update one year later:

Hey Anna,

Thanks for the email. I am over a year off the cigarettes. Done it easy and happy as can be.
Thanks for the follow-up and support, I appreciate it.

Luke Oliver Quit Smoking April 20, 2017